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Elemental Mobs [1.0.5]

Presented Supplement will give some hostile and peaceful mobs the power of the elements, which will make them more powerful and dangerous. For example, the villagers will have control over electricity, and they really will shoot lightning. If You are in search of something new, then download and install this addon, it will give You a lot of different mobs, never before unseen.

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 3-04-2017, 22:18
Reason: Обновление

The Nether Caster [1.0.5]

This Supplement will give You the ability to turn normal mobs in hell's creatures just by touching them. Also added some advantages such as fire resistance and increased life. You have a unique ability to turn an ordinary pigs in svinozombi by touching them.

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 21-03-2017, 21:42
Reason: Обновление

Mutant Creeper [1.0.0]

This addon adds in the familiar world of Minecraft new mini-boss known as the Creeper-mutant. This is a much more powerful version of a creeper, a slightly different appearance from the usual. Presents creature walks on four paws and arching its long neck. Monster hostile to players. He can either blow up the victim, or to send upon her the crowd of angry young will caperet.

Ender Sickness [1.1.0]

Modification of the Edge out of control and accidently caused some problems in the system! All of this will happen if You download and install this addon! Thanks Ender-infection hostile mobs get abilities the wanderer's territory and will be more dangerous. The only useful fact that will make You happy - such monsters are afraid of water, so with this Supplement make sure that inventory was always a bucket of water.

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 19-04-2017, 22:23
Reason: Обновление

Ender Archer Friend [1.0.0]

This addon turns the usual skeletons in the friendly Ender archers. They look human, but have abilities of the enderman, such as teleportation. With Archer you can befriend and use as a personal bodyguard to protect You from evil monsters in Minecraft. If You often feel alone in their personal world, Ender Archer will be the perfect companion.

Giant Yeti [1.0.0]

The Yeti is an APE-like creature that lives in the snow. Some believe that they exist in real life, but there is no substantial evidence which would have confirmed this. This Supplement launches a giant Yeti in the Minecraft world and surprises with its majestic power, which is only at most of these bosses! Expected to be very hot battle against this fierce creature and as soon as You defeat him, get the treasure hidden inside!

Undead Invasion [1.0.0]

Undead Invasion adds eight new types of zombies, at the same time, normal mobs are in the game. In this Supplement, some zombies will not be afraid of the sun, others can attack their own brethren, but also any other hostile monsters. This addon introduces a new and replaces nothing in the familiar world of Minecraft.

NextLevel [1.0.0]

NextLevel - big UI update in Minecraft Pocket Edition. With this addition, the pause menu will look even better, and the coordinates are automatically updated. The addon will also fix a bug in Region on IOS devices. Since this is the first release, there has not been without errors, mainly on Windows 10. The developer believes that the location coordinate is quite fitting, especially if in the usual form, they hurt your eyes.

Gallimimus [1.0.0]

Gallien - a dinosaur that roamed the earth millions of years ago. It can be found for the very small eyes, thin body and long tail. This Supplement replaces svinozombi on the ancient reptiles. This mob will be passive and be scared of players and run away from them. However, You will be able to tame gallimimus and ride it, only they don't particularly like.

MC-PE 2025