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Recyclable Arrows [1.0.0]

Do You often find yourself without arrows? The developer knows and understands how hard they are to do and to get. However, with this Supplement You will be able to raise their arrows even after killing mobs. The addition will be useful for those who like a long hunt, and stocks are infinitely runs out and need a new one. Simply choose from the earth those arrows You used and run it again.

Companion Craft [1.0.0]

Craft Companion - a godsend for those who like to tame mobs and make them his companions in their world of Minecraft. The amendment introduces a couple of new games satellites and makes the domesticated horse to follow You. Your Pets will always be there and will not allow hostile mobs to hurt You.

Dragons [1.1.0]

would Like to be a mother (or father) of dragons and do You have something for this? This idea can realize something lurking deep under the earth. Look at the dragon to tame, and then watch as it grows and then the reptile will become Your most powerful pet that will protect You no matter what danger lies ahead. The only thing You will not be able to fly on dragons, but they are still one of the most epic and powerful mobs in Minecraft Pocket Edition.

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 9-04-2017, 18:59
Reason: Обновление

Boyfriend [1.0.0]

Tired of being lonely in their own worlds? This addition will allow You to make friends in a familiar world of Minecraft! The only thing they are generally disabled, i.e. not able to help, and are not additional equipment. Household actions that will have to do yourself. At the moment gaming satellite is very limited and will not protect You, but the developers promise soon to fix it, so stay tuned.

Lucky Block [1.1.1]

Lucky Block adds an exciting element to the game. It is very similar to conventional unit, but in fact it's a creature that you can attack. After killing him, there will be something interesting. If you're lucky, You'll get a lot of valuable things, but in parallel - perhaps the appearance of a terrible boss.

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 28-06-2017, 20:41
Reason: Обновление

Monster Buddy [1.0.0]

Monster Buddy is an addon that allows you to tame monsters and use them as companions and bodyguards. They are similar to wolves. The mobs will follow You and help when needed. You can also bargain with them. It is really a useful addition for those who like to go on a great adventure and seek out new playing satellites to get in the way don't feel so alone.

Armor Stand [1.0.0]

Armor Stand is a structure on which to hang various game armor and admire her. This subject has a normal version of Minecraft. Stand useful, since it could be fully considered a set of armor. Presents addon replaces the four mobs in Minecraft Pocket Edition on stands with armor. None of them can be used, but they still look cool and suitable as jewelry.

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 7-01-2017, 21:53
Reason: Обновление

Fireproof [1.0.0]

This addition will increase Your stamina and make You immune to fire and lava, and will also allow you to stay underwater for a long period of time. It is, indeed, a supernatural force that can have only a real superhero. Presented Supplement will be useful for those who want to facilitate survival or feel like a Superman in their world of Minecraft.

Mythic Mobs [1.1.0]

This addon replaces the usual five mobs of Minecraft mythical creatures. They are all hostile. The werewolf attacks only at night. The monsters look pretty scary. This is really a wonderful addition if You like to fight with different mobs.

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 14-05-2017, 18:42
Reason: Обновление

Girlfriends [1.0.0]

This addon changes all of the villagers at the girls. If You are the owner of the diamond, then any of the beauties can be Your wife. You'll never feel lonely in the world of Minecraft. Your wife will always follow You, and even to help in some household business.

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 10-01-2017, 16:39
Reason: Обновление

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