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Mine-Tanks [1.0.0]

Fight against monsters in Minecraft on this huge modern military transport. This addon includes two tanks, especially no different from each other, except for colors. Sand camouflage will come in handy in the desert, and the green other green biomes. Pearls of the Region will produce the shells and drive a tank. Submitted addition will appeal to those who love different vehicles.

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 29-01-2017, 21:44
Reason: Обновление

End Wolf [1.0.0]

This addon will make a simple wolf in a new unusual creature - Ender-wolf. Form remained unchanged, and the color scheme changed to black fur and violet eyes. Also, like sulker, wolf Edge will produce the shells of levitation and they attack hostile mobs. Be careful, do not fall under the shot, otherwise a fall can be fatal.

More Pigs [1.0.0]

Fans of Guinea pigs! Look here! This addon will alter the four vanilla mobs of Minecraft, by turning their familiar characteristics in piggy. At the same time, these creatures will still have their unique abilities and added new ones. All the mobs hostile to the player and will make the survival mode more exciting and challenging.

Llama [1.0.0]

Presents addon adds a new animal in the familiar world of Minecraft. It's pretty funny Lama with a unique character. She's probably best known for its super powerful spit, so watch out, coming too close to it. So lamas will attack wolves, creeper, and players who badly need to access them. These ungulates can move on top and use it as extra inventory.

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 8-02-2017, 20:48
Reason: Обновление

More Chairs [1.0.0]

This is the first addon with furniture for Minecraft Pocket Edition. It introduces 9 different chairs where you can sit down. It should be noted that this addition replaces some of the usual creatures, but You will get amazing furniture and design of Your homes. Turn the chairs you can use cookies.

GigaMobs [1.1.0]

Presents addon will completely change Your perspective on all the mobs of the familiar world of Minecraft. This addition will make them bigger, stronger and faster. Some creatures You can ride, for example, rabbits and chickens. Dimensions have changed almost all mobs, so the surrounding game situation now looks a bit ridiculous and funny, but at the same time very creepy.

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 4-05-2017, 20:41
Reason: Обновление

Redstone Mechanic [1.1.1]

Redstone Mechanic addon, which replaces some of the vanilla mob in Minecraft on the brand new Redstone-like creatures. Two of them are mechanical robots with amazing force. The third mob is actually a flying chair which can be used to drive. It acts like riding animal, just looks unusual, and to control in the hands of the need to keep the red dust. Here are as friendly robots, and hostile, so You should be careful.

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 31-07-2017, 16:23
Reason: Обновление

Naruto Craft [1.0.0]

This addon is designed after the famous Japanese manga, known as "Naruto". In short, it describes the story of a young ninja and his dream is to become the best and competent killer. This is a great addition for anyone who is a fan of Naruto or ninja in General. The addon replaces a lot of mobs, weapons and armor. User-defined function is currently quite simple, but the developer hopes that things can improve over time.

Vindicator [1.0.0]

Defender is the new mobs which were introduced in the PC version of Minecraft. They usually appear in forest estates. Using the addon and the map and textures, You'll be able to really test this innovation on their handheld devices. The addition will replace the normal skeleton on defender hostile to the player.

DeletePack Unlocker [1.0.0]

This addition will allow You to remove the texture packs and add-ons directly in the game. This is one of those features that was supposed to be included in Minecraft PE, but for some reason is missing. However, the resource will all fall into place and facilitate removal of unnecessary packages.

MC-PE 2025