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Redstone Mechanic [1.1.1]

Redstone Mechanic

Redstone Mechanic addon, which replaces some of the vanilla mob in Minecraft on the brand new Redstone-like creatures. Two of them are mechanical robots with amazing force. The third mob is actually a flying chair which can be used to drive. It acts like riding animal, just looks unusual, and to control in the hands of the need to keep the red dust. Here are as friendly robots, and hostile, so You should be careful.

Download redstone-mechanic-resource.mcpack [1,95 Mb] downloaded: 861 times
Download redstone-mechanic-behavior.mcpack [272,43 Kb] downloaded: 407 times
Download last version of Redstone Mechanic from the official website

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 31-07-2017, 16:23
Reason: Обновление

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