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Dragons [1.1.0]


would Like to be a mother (or father) of dragons and do You have something for this? This idea can realize something lurking deep under the earth. Look at the dragon to tame, and then watch as it grows and then the reptile will become Your most powerful pet that will protect You no matter what danger lies ahead. The only thing You will not be able to fly on dragons, but they are still one of the most epic and powerful mobs in Minecraft Pocket Edition.

Download dragons-behavior-pack.mcpack [6,46 Kb] downloaded: 1251 times
Download ice-dragon-resource-pack.mcpack [620,63 Kb] downloaded: 944 times
Download nether-dragon-resource-pack.mcpack [622,17 Kb] downloaded: 688 times
Download dragons-resource-pack.mcpack [601,88 Kb] downloaded: 823 times
Download last version of Dragons from the official website

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 9-04-2017, 18:59
Reason: Обновление

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