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Elephants and Mammoths [1.8.0]

This Supplement introduces the magnificent elephants and mammoths. It only works with the 1.8 version of Minecraft since will not replace any regular mob. Elephants live only in biome of Savannah, and they can be created using the spawn eggs. You will be able to tame these grey giants, offering them sugar. Domesticated elephant will follow its master and to protect him from the monsters. You can even ride your pet and ride it on horseback, driving like a horse. The elephants eat sugar and apples. Mammoths are only found on cold icy biomes or to create the eggs. If we tame this shaggy beast he is like the elephant, take care of You and let You sit astride it. Mammoths also love sugar and apples.

Enderking [1.8.0]

For many years no one knew who ruled Andermani. Presents addon will show and give the opportunity to fight with the real king of all residents of the province. Where do You think lives Underking? Of course, in the Edge, but You also have the opportunity to create it with a spawn egg. This evil king is able to fly and teleport, so against him it is better to use ranged weapons. In the battle with Interkingdom need to be extremely careful, because his movements are extremely fast, but the attack is too powerful, for example, he could release one or two fiery spheres in a row. To anticipate what the monster is going to teleport, follow the particle that emits boss, before disappearing. Underking experiencing weakness to the effects of arrows, such as exhaustion and the poison. After this attack the monster will fall and You will have the chance to grab the crystal Edges. Without this stone Underking lose control and explode. A good battle!

Biome: Project 0 [1.8.0]

This Supplement introduces a host of new mobs into our familiar world of Minecraft. Here you can meet creatures with Addons such as "Better Nether" and "Night ++". In the end it was quite rich resource with 20 monsters, but this is not the limit, because in the future the developer plans to add even more unusual creatures. This is partly all the hellish monsters that will kill Your character. Even, peacefully standing, cactus may prove to be a sinister mob, which immediately attacks You, so now should be very careful walking through the desert. Using the Supplement, You will plunge into a completely different world. Normal monsters and animals will remain. This addon is designed for 1.8 versions and above.

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 3-11-2018, 22:14

Demon Pets (1.8+ Only) [1.8.0]

Presented Supplement implements five brand new demons to Your familiar world of Minecraft. All of them are friendly to players and can be tamed using carrots, beets or potatoes. Demons, despite their size, very strong. Each of them can fly and has their own unique abilities that allow them to attack opponents. Demons of Fire and Explosions throw monsters of the fiery spheres, the wood demon throws snowballs, the demon of Light, throws bombs of salkera, and the demon of Darkness shoots arrows. To detect these new cute mobs, You can lowland biomes. Download this addon and become the owner of the best companion with whom you can bounce back on a long adventure in the harsh world of Minecraft.

Eagle Of The Sky (1.8+ Only) [1.8.0]

Presents addon introduces a new feathered mob in the familiar world of Minecraft. This time on the endless sky can be found flying eagle. Like a Ghost, he only appears in the night and brings fear and terror to those who are from him is not hidden. Despite its small size, this bird is quite dangerous. Eagle believes players and peaceful beasts their prey, so as soon as someone of the above in sight, the predator will dissolve the claws and will be the victim of the damage, trying to grab her. If You don't want to wait for the night to fight with the feathered mob, create it using spawn eggs or /summon. As this resource does not replace anyone, it can be used only with the 1.8 version of Minecraft.

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 21-11-2018, 21:22

Tameable Pandas [1.8.0]

This addon adds several features to the beloved Panda. Now You will be able to tame this lovely fluffy bear, suggesting bamboo. As a companion Panda will protect You about the bloodthirsty mobs. By placing the cake in the slot for the saddle, You can ride a bear and dangle on horseback through the vast world of Minecraft. To speed up pandas hold bamboo. If you want to leave your pet at home, use the interact button in order for the beast sat down and didn't budge, otherwise it will follow You into the mine and dare to plunge into the lava.  Panda lovely animal. This resource is really useful if You wish to get more opportunities related to this cute animal.

Mo’ Bends​ BE (Animated Mobs) [1.8.0]

This Supplement includes new animations for some of the mobs from the familiar world of Minecraft. With the online monsters and other creatures will become more flexible movements than those that were. For example, skeletons and the walking will start waving. You can not hope that in the future we 100% should expect such improvement on the part of the movement of different mobs. Custom animation is one of the newest features first added in 1.8 version of Minecraft. Make your world a little more realistic right now!

Tyrannosaurus Rex (1.8 Only) [1.8.0]

Presents add-on introduces the real Tyrannosaurus Rex, with awesome realistic movements! But the most epic is, of course, the roar. Before the attack t-Rex will pull your neck forward, opened his jaws, growling loudly. This dinosaur is definitely the most dangerous mob in the world of Minecraft, so if You value the life of a character, then be sure to beware of them, no matter how daring You were not. But if you're lucky You have the chance to find small harmless reptiles, which are able to tame, feed them meat. These Pets are great defenders, and when they grow up, You can catch them on horseback and go on their long adventure through the harsh endless world of Minecraft.

Portal Gun [1.7.0]

For many years, the team worked to try to enter in our ordinary world of Minecraft device to create portals. However, manufacturers are faced with the problem of lags. After many years of deliberation, finally found the way to implement and improve the portal device through command blocks. First, You'll need to move the gun and buttons blue and orange portal in Your inventory. The first time you use the portal will not appear. But after You take any key in his hand, the portal device works, and You will be able to use it as intended. Watch carefully that in the world there were a lot of portals, otherwise it will not work. To do this, make sure to DOMOBSPAWN set to false/off. Currently, the portals replace sheep and pigs. However, when the opportunity arises to create something new, not replacing mobs, developer all be undone as necessary, without sacrificing anyone from the world of Minecraft. The video below clearly illustrates how to configure everything, carefully reading. Download and install all the files that you submitted!

Lions [1.8.0]

Presents addon brings into play the great king of beasts. Since this mob no substitutes, the resource will operate only with the 1.8 version of Minecraft. Lions can be found absolutely in any biome. By default, the adults will attack You, unlike the kids, so you should be extremely careful. But offering them pieces of fresh raw meat, You will be able to tame these wayward animals, and following on Your heels to protect them from all kinds of monsters, they will become a perfect companion in the harsh world of Minecraft. To ensure that Your pet is always in great shape don't forget to feed him meat.

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