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Christmas Heads Costumes [1.8.0]

Prepare for the feast using this Supplement. It includes six new and interesting hats which will complete Your fancy dress skin. Here are the products in Christmas style. They are very bright, funny, and most efficiently designed. Now You can become Santa, an elf, a snowman, reindeer Rudolf or other fabulous creature, which symbolizes such a wonderful magical holiday - Christmas. Arrange costume parties in Your normal world of Minecraft. All hats replace the heads of mobs. The developer hopes that this addon gives You and Your friends a great mood.

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 4-12-2018, 20:23

Fishing Hook Bombs [1.8.0]

Tired of long and tedious fishing in the familiar world of Minecraft. Rather then download this addon, because it will definitely solve Your problem! Presented Supplement replaces the normal function of the fishing hook into an explosive device of mass destruction. Now whenever he flips the rod will fire an ignition device and hit all the fish that are in the vicinity. Maybe the bomb won't kill all the mobs at once, but will definitely cause at least some harm. With this add-on a boring fishing trip turns into an explosive play.

Generators & Replicators [1.8.0]

The developer presents us with two new unique machine that you can use to quickly obtain any ores or blocks of precious stones and metals. These mechanisms are called the generator and the Replicator. Each of them has its own function. Generator every 10 seconds throws the iron and gold ingots, Redstone, emeralds or diamonds. To activate the mechanism, it is necessary to use a lever or long press the interact button. Replicator every ten seconds and makes throwing iron, gold, Redstone, emerald, or diamond blocks. To run this car you will need the lever or one unit from that previously listed. In General, the Supplement is very useful for survival mode, especially for those who do not particularly want to mess around under the earth in search of each precious resource.

Domestic Mobs [1.8.0]

Minecraft is constantly made some changes, textures are getting better and better. And Pets remain intact. The developer is a Supplement that will not only change the idea of peaceful mobs, will make some changes. From cows will no longer drop meat and leather, pigs - pork chops and chickens will often start to lay eggs. All Pets will be a large variety of colors. Download this addon and don't be afraid for their familiar animals, they will remain the same.

Working Boombox [1.8.0]

Presented Supplement introduces in our beloved world of Minecraft this working tape. He only plays four different melodies, completely free of rights. The addon is very useful for those who are tired of familiar game soundtracks and who is looking for a nice sound during gameplay. When You put the tape recorder, click "Play" and he randomly starts to play one of the tunes. In order to stop the sound, click on the stop button of the music. This device replaces the normal music player, so there you can insert any discs.

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 23-11-2018, 21:28

Penguin [1.7.0]

If You are looking for a Supplement that is capable of at least some fun to the fauna of our beloved game Minecraft, this addon is specially for You. Presented Supplement replaces the creeper on the cute penguins. These birds are not hostile, but will be able to stand up for themselves, if they offend. Penguins love fish and will run after anyone who holds it. If these Arctic birds to treat their catch, then they are Your true friends. And wild and domestic the penguins prey on octopuses. And falls with these birds is fish, only one will have a desire to kill such cute creatures!

Unicycle [1.7.0]

Want to feel like a circus performer, rather then download the submitted resource. Enter a unique vehicle called a unicycle. If You are interested in circus, you probably met him in real life, and can be seen on TV or in pictures and video. Also, the unicycle is presented in popular game "Happy Wheels". This addon was created for fun. For example, in multiplayer mode you can race with your friends. The bike itself may be painted, as it replaces the sheep. This vehicle is very comfortable to drive, it doesn't fall off, and it can even jump.

Dessert! [1.7.0]

Presented Supplement replaces the usual stalkerov to gorgeous desserts. It has everything from ice cream to a three-layer cake. Using this resource, You will be able to easily create a cozy home atmosphere. Playing in multiplayer mode, You can call and visit his friends for tea and treat them with these delicious sweets. You will immediately appreciate the welcoming You as a real person. In the range of 17 types of various desserts. First, You can only put one cake with a little of Minecraft. Then clicking it with any dye, sweet dish will change.

WorldEdit [1.8.0]

Presented Supplement was rather limited, compared to the original mod "WorldEdit" to Java Edition. The expansion pack introduces 11 new teams, which can more facilitate the construction and development of Your world. For example, using only one activity You will be able to fill a large space or water to create a passage into the mine, so as not to spoil their picks for the descent down. Here is a list of commands that can be used: /clear function-100 - helps to quickly clear the terrain for example forest /function level-100 - units on the contrary fills empty space /function drain - removes water /mine function - creates a passage under the earth, sanctified by torches;  /function mine-rail - creates a railway gliding on 69 blocks down; Commands: /function subway-n /function subway-s, /function subway-e /function subway-w create the current metro with rails on the sides of light (North, South, East or West);  /function fence 10 and fence function-20 - create around the character fence, very useful to catch any mobs. 

Mysterious SEA [1.7.0]

You probably agree that the familiar underwater world of Minecraft is rather scarce. Submitted addition will make it much more interesting. Here You will meet about ten new mobs, such as killer whales and sharks, Megalodon and others. Also there are live mermaids and a majestic Triton. The water can move around on the raft. The addon is attached the gear and weapons to Your underwater adventures was more convenient and safer. Rather, dive and explore the depths of the ocean with this unique resource. Fight bosses and other hostile aquatic animals to survive.

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