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Enderking [1.8.0]


For many years no one knew who ruled Andermani. Presents addon will show and give the opportunity to fight with the real king of all residents of the province. Where do You think lives Underking? Of course, in the Edge, but You also have the opportunity to create it with a spawn egg. This evil king is able to fly and teleport, so against him it is better to use ranged weapons. In the battle with Interkingdom need to be extremely careful, because his movements are extremely fast, but the attack is too powerful, for example, he could release one or two fiery spheres in a row. To anticipate what the monster is going to teleport, follow the particle that emits boss, before disappearing. Underking experiencing weakness to the effects of arrows, such as exhaustion and the poison. After this attack the monster will fall and You will have the chance to grab the crystal Edges. Without this stone Underking lose control and explode. A good battle!

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Download enderking-resource.mcpack [9,1 Mb] downloaded: 324 times
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