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yFarm Craft [1.14.0]

Become an avid farmer with this amazing addon. yFarm Craft variety to Your survival in the world of Minecraft, adding new Pets and birds, and various plants and all kinds of useful items. I think farming is boring? As it is not so! Your crops will be constantly attacked by the birds, if You do not care and will not put a Scarecrow. Grow tomatoes, eggplant, turnips, and radishes. On the map you can find Apple tree, a pomegranate tree and cashew. Now Your dishes will become more delicious. Watch out for livestock, give them more hay, so they regenerated their health. Try yourself in beekeeping. Create the conditions for bees-workaholic that they made the best honey in the universe of Minecraft. With this addition models the familiar animals of our beloved games will become more attractive. Enjoy life!

Plants vs. Zombies v.1.0 [1.13.0]

This addon will acquaint you with some of the friendly characters of plants that can be found in a series of games Plants vs. Zombies in your Minecraft worlds. This addon is designed to bring Botanical magic PvZ to Minecraft so to preserve the charm of vanilla.

In search of Crazy Dave's 
First you need to find Crazy Dave's, which has the seeds of all plants. You have to turn zombies into Crazy Dave using Pot(crafting recipes, see the screenshots). Then create a collection of plants Pot o’ Plants plant them and wait 100 seconds, then it will be Crazy Dave!

Crazy Dave 
Crazy Dave will exchange the sun to plant seeds! However, it is vulnerable to zombie attacks, so try to protect it, otherwise you'll lose it. It can be easily moved using a Taco (more on that later). First, make sure that you are stocked with a sufficient number of sunflowers to get more sun! But where to get them?

to start a plantation PvZ, you need to make a Garden Shovel. When you have a Garden Shovel, sneak and hold to dig a hole in the ground! You can use the seeds! The garden spade has an infinite durability, making it the best choice among gardeners TACOS! It is important to kill zombies and other monsters, using your PvZ-plants. 1 of 5 plants dead zombies will drop the TACOS! You can use explosive plants to increase this value to 1 in 4. Swap TACOS for the Sun in the menu of Crazy Dave to increase his level and unlock more plants! TACOS can also be used to get Crazy Dave from danger.

-Gorohostrel shells shoots peas at zombies in range.
-Sunflower, without a doubt, the most important plant. The Sun generates that can be used to create more plant seeds.
-Wallnut (walnut) - this plant is extremely useful as a protective plant, because naive zombies will continually eat it until his health. Use this in combination with Peashooters to kill the zombies on your lawn.
-Cherry bomb Fast way to get rid of the monsters. Mobs are attracted to its bright red color, and then boom! Zombie killed by the blast "Cherry bomb", are more likely to drop a Taco.
-Ice peas that slows down zombies and.
-Cartolina Mina undermines the zombies
-Double gorohostrel - shoots 2 peas at once!

Entity303 (v1.12+ Only) [1.13.0]

He came back again to destroy your world in Minecraft! With this Supplement you will face a new powerful boss Entity303.
Entity 303 is a custom entity (not replace vanilla mobs/entities in the game) - Added health bar with his name on the screen. He has a variety of attacks during battle.
Features of attacks:
-Shoots fireballs
-Shoots large fireballs with the animation of the rain
-Sulker Shoots bullets
-Summons 3 skeletons at the same time
-Throws a TNT

Now Entity303 to call survival mode, using a Star Bottom world! (You can obtain after killing Wieser Boss!). How to install the addon shown in the screenshots

Granate TNT [1.13.0]

The addition of grenades and much more, with this mod you will be able to throw grenades with incredible power and enjoy the chaos and destruction. This is exactly what you expected playing with friends, enjoy subversive activities and having fun with friends. The addon adds 1 grenade and a very powerful and destructive TNT. Destroy everything in your path with this great addition for Minecraft.

Supported version of Minecraft 1,10 1,11 1,12 1,13 (beta)

More Riders [1.13.0]

I wonder if you can ride a horse several players? Now you can, this addition adds 2 functions: ability to travel 2 players on one horse and able to ride with your Pets and residents!  You can shoot a bow while moving, if you're not a rider, but if you are a rider, you may cause harm to the passenger, when in archery the Ability to add Pets and villagers in beta testing - the best way to save passengers from driving through water. Only horses can travel with a pet and villager, but the horse-skeletons no function Pets. This addon is still in beta stage

Supported version of Minecraft 1,10 1,11 1,12 1,13 (beta)

Armor Stand Clock Script ( [1.7.0]

This script will turn the armor into a watch. It displays time, which is installed on your device. The text is displayed over the bar armor. The script does not interfere with other entities, in addition to armor stand. Creator: momiyama, a Twitter account, How does it work? Place the stand for the armor on the ground, and the current time will be displayed as floating text above the stand for armor. This is really useful if you want a quick and easy way to keep track of current time in the game. Installation Important note: this script requires (currently only available for Windows 10). Android users can use BlockLauncher (third party app) to unlock this feature. Download Conduct .McPack to Apply for the world Turn on the "Experimental gameplay" in the world settings to Create the world

Health/Damage/Identifier Reader (Script) ( [1.7.0]

This script uses the latest features available in for Minecraft. It adds text indicators of health and damage over the heads of mobs in your world. This is a great example that demonstrates some of the new features modding that is possible with the new scripting API for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition. Creator: Drag0nD, a Twitter account Credits: thanks abc55 and wit for help in the fight against damage How does it work? Focusing on the essence, you will be able to view some other features: name of Health, attack Damage    Installation This script requires (currently only available for Windows 10). Android users can use BlockLauncher (third party app) to unlock this feature. Download Conduct .McPack to Apply for the world Turn on the "Experimental gameplay" in the world settings to Create the world

Snowman [1.8.0]

This addon introduces a cool snowmen in our favorite Minecraft world. They are created by the developer not just. Snowmen will protect You from pesky monsters, so You won't have to worry about their safety. Perhaps You think that snowman is useless, as it only throws snowballs that damage. However, in the present Supplement everything is left to chance, so there are snow balls - a great weapon against all sorts of evil. Almost all the snow creatures can be found in frosty plains biomes. For example You might get a Derpy snowman with scarf which can be painted in any color. There is also a cool snowman, especially watching her appearance, he also will be able to change the color of the apparel. Another snowy expanses inhabits the real man is an icicle. The last snowman is quite strange and hostile, he dwells in the lower world, can withstand the hellish temperatures and does not melt. Anti-Snowman is very dangerous as it attacks the player with fireballs.

VENOM 2018 Movie [1.8.0]

Plunge into the atmosphere of the popular movie "venom" from marvel. Presented Supplement brings into play all of your favorite characters, as well as bike Eddie, who will serve as an excellent vehicle. Here You will meet sweet venom and a sinister Riot, the usual Eddie Brock without the symbiote and venom girl, and Carlton Drake and his agents with whom You will fight. You have a unique opportunity to realize the fantastic story in his familiar world of Minecraft.

Motorcycle [1.8.0]

Presents addition implements a completely new kind of vehicle in our favorite game - motorcycle. It can sit a driver and one passenger, which is a very useful feature. Find the bike will be in different places of the vast world of Minecraft, it also can be created using the spawn eggs. This vehicle will be a great help in your adventures in the far distance. And if in survival mode You and Your friend will stay with one bike far from home, You will not have to leave a friend in trouble and go alone. In order for Your vehicle moved, its need to constantly refuel, that is, we should always keep in inventory the coal reserves.

MC-PE 2025