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Demogorgon [1.8.0]

You are tired of the usual bosses of Minecraft. Consider them weak? Want more hardcore? Then, the provided Supplement is created specially for You. It introduces the bloodthirsty creatures, who, together with his flock will terrorize the endless world of Minecraft. Demogorgon is a pretty awesome monster from the popular television show called "Stranger Things". He's incredibly strong and resilient, thanks to 80 hearts and 10 points of damage. The battle with this monster will be very difficult because if You angered one, with him You attack all his buddies. Also Demogorgon has the coolest animation.

Plushies! [1.8.0]

In Minecraft there are different heads of the mobs as trophies, but not enough other design figurines to decorate Your home. And here's the developer thinking also produced a presented Supplement. It introduces more than 80 different figurines that you can put anywhere. Each depicts a statue of any monster or a peaceful animal that is present in the familiar world of Minecraft. There are also figures of men with a variety of skins. Lead in the inventory on the search bar the word "plush" and you will see many buttons, indicating his / her figure.

Project Prehistoric [1.8.0]

Here are the addon whose purpose is the revival of prehistoric creatures and release them into the familiar world of Minecraft. Now You can find a large number of ancient reptiles, and feathered creatures, like the Dodo bird, gets almost everywhere. Spinosaur, for example, will find in the forest or swamp biomes, the carnotaurus in the desert, and the parasaurolophus on the plains. Saber-toothed tigers, too, are not left unattended. They hunt in the taiga and other cold biomes, so be extremely careful. Since the addition does not replace the normal mobs, You will be able to use this resource only with the 1.8 version of Minecraft.

Slendytubbies The Devil Among Us [1.8.0]

Presented Supplement introduces characters from video games of horror "Slendytubbies: The Devil Among Us". The resource does not replace any of the usual mob, so this addon should only be used with the 1.8 version of our beloved Minecraft. The game will be, in total, seven kinds of different monsters. They will spaunit'sâ under the cover of night at any point in the vast world. You will also be able to use the egg to create these fearsome creatures. All monsters are hostile, so You never have to meet them eye to eye without good weapons and ammunition. Another addon adds a cute vacuum cleaner - Arkabaev. They won't attack the player just like that. Suggesting that the blue mob of iron, with some chance You manage to tame it. Arcabat will always follow the master and to protect him from any evil.

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 11-12-2018, 19:21

Redstone Guide [1.8.0]

Want to start learning the device Redstone mechanisms or simply to Supplement existing knowledge? Then the guide created especially for You. In the presented resource includes step by step instructions in pictures with detailed explanation of how and what you can do with red stone for manufacturing unique devices that will function, if you do everything as it should. Here is described each element, where it should be used and what is its role in the device. The manual is available under"How to play", and also the inventory with the icon of the red stone. All the instructions are written in English. This is a great reason to learn a foreign language, after all, how much joy will be when You will be able to invent something interesting using templates.

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 20-11-2018, 21:43

Slendytubbies [1.9.0]

So they got to the Minecraft – meet the Teletubbies. They spawn as mobs anywhere in the world. Attack the player will not – unless, of course, You will not get to fight first. Falling just a fun loot, and to tame them with cookies or stewed mushrooms. 
In this addon there are other characters in the world of Teletubbies, and still have their infected versions – these are aggressive monsters, and loot from them more interesting. With a tink-tank, for example, falls from nine to twenty diamonds!

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 19-11-2018, 22:04

LEMO Attraction Boat [1.8.0]

Presented Supplement replaces the familiar boat on new Minecraft, created on motives of those vessels that were used to transport people to the island and back in the popular movie "Jurassic Park". Though the boat looks huge, as if it can sit a lot of people, but unfortunately, it is not. At the moment each ship accommodates only one person. The control is exactly the same as on a normal boat in Minecraft. This is a great addon if You are tired of the old trough, and You are in search of something new and different, and most importantly functional. Install the add-on together with a map "Jurassic Park" or "Jurassic Minecraft" and You will plunge into the atmosphere of the film with a prehistoric theme.

Function File For Command [1.8.0]

Already with the beta version of Minecraft 1.8 is the ability to create something new. Not spared by different teams. Let's see what offers us this resource. After applying the addon, You can use the following commands: /function invulnerable - makes You invulnerable /function tools - gives one set of diamond tools /kit function - creates a chest with useful items inside /function over_powered - impose a variety of effects, including strengthening the capacity /function of the strike  on a selected portion causes lightning to fight incessantly. /function clear - clears the player's inventory and all its imposed effects, and removes the eternal storm. If You forget any command, use /function help or /help2 function and displays a list of all available. Presented Supplement is great for survival mode. And You can create your own commands "/function". Just open the package behavior in the folder and you will see many files. Click on one of them and displayed the text. There You will be able to write the command you want using the template. You'll be able to add new files, just make sure that the extension is ".mcfunction" with any name. The file name must match the team, for example, if You specify in the file test, this name will be used /function (Command),  and will look like /function test.

Peafowl [1.8.0]

Peacocks! Finally this miracle of nature appeared in Minecraft. There are peacocks and paulinyi, there are adults, there are little chickens. This beauty spawns in forests and plains biomes, and, of course, you can get hold of eggs. To breed them is a pleasure, because the floor is only defined on maturing individuals. They have, I must say, quite an interesting animation of hatching from the egg. By the way, all these hot guys know how painfully to peck if You get them banging!

Magent And Pagent [1.8.0]

This Supplement is still under testing. Added two creatures that are designed to protect residents: Magent and Pagent. They can also call in creative mode with the eggs of the call. Magent is a guy with a sword and a Trident. However, it can hold other items. They can also be tamed with boiled cod or salmon – they're a little like wolves. After sleep they can throw its owner some kind of jewel: izumrudik, for example, or Redstone. But the Pagent is the girl that shoots a bow. In General, it is almost like a Magent, just looks more neat and nice. In the future this mod will be special versions of mobs of both sexes - they will become hostile and trudnoporoshkuemye. 

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 11-11-2018, 17:50

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