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More Riders [1.13.0]

More Riders

I wonder if you can ride a horse several players? Now you can, this addition adds 2 functions: ability to travel 2 players on one horse and able to ride with your Pets and residents!  You can shoot a bow while moving, if you're not a rider, but if you are a rider, you may cause harm to the passenger, when in archery the Ability to add Pets and villagers in beta testing - the best way to save passengers from driving through water. Only horses can travel with a pet and villager, but the horse-skeletons no function Pets. This addon is still in beta stage

Supported version of Minecraft 1,10 1,11 1,12 1,13 (beta)

Download ridable-beh.mcaddon [14,3 Kb] downloaded: 328 times
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