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› Entity303 (v1.12+ Only)

Entity303 (v1.12+ Only) [1.13.0]

Entity303 (v1.12+ Only)

He came back again to destroy your world in Minecraft! With this Supplement you will face a new powerful boss Entity303.
Entity 303 is a custom entity (not replace vanilla mobs/entities in the game) - Added health bar with his name on the screen. He has a variety of attacks during battle.
Features of attacks:
-Shoots fireballs
-Shoots large fireballs with the animation of the rain
-Sulker Shoots bullets
-Summons 3 skeletons at the same time
-Throws a TNT

Now Entity303 to call survival mode, using a Star Bottom world! (You can obtain after killing Wieser Boss!). How to install the addon shown in the screenshots

Download [459,43 Kb] downloaded: 1173 times
Download last version of Entity303 (v1.12+ Only) from the official website
Download Entity303 (v1.12+ Only) from MediaFire

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