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WindLight Scythe [1.8.0]

WindLight Scythe

Presents add-on introduces a powerful weapon in the form of spit that can protect the entire infinite world of Minecraft. It confers supernatural powers of its owner. This means that You will get all the positive effects time and be almost invincible! This gorgeous spit, Your attacks will become faster and more agile. In dealing with such bosses as Iskusitel and the Dragon Territory, You will have a huge advantage. Also the weapon imposes some of its unique effects, for example, speed, dedication, repair items and more. The only effect slow fall has a strange error, but this does not prevent presented the spit to remain the coolest weapon in the world of Minecraft. If you are using this resource You will be thrown out of the game, then try to completely restart Minecraft and play it again.

Download scythe-windlight.mcaddon [57,86 Kb] downloaded: 778 times
Download last version of WindLight Scythe from the official website
Download WindLight Scythe from MediaFire

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