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MultiCraft [1.6.0]


Dopolneniya enriches the game a lot of cool things and goes well with many Addons. What's new: new armor (weapons, tools), new minerals, and all sorts of magical things. To properly begin the study of this addon, I need to activate when you create a world a special bonus chest. It is a subject that allows you to zaspaunit ' villager (soul inhabitant). And that's something that villager and we'll pump. Having a villager, click on it with an iron ingot. Be sure to pick up the pieces that fall out of skeletons, because these particles are the basis. Also, You expect a severe contraction with unusual bosses. Download this amazing addon and you will not regret!

Download multicraft.mcaddon [210,43 Kb] downloaded: 361 times
Download last version of MultiCraft from the official website

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MC-PE 2025