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SG Mexa: Acacia Forest [1.8.0] [Survival]

Demonstrated here is the map from the SG Mexa. It is a manually customized the world, and then ported to the pocket version of Minecraft. The landscape here is unusual and very beautiful. In the usual generated world You will never have tall trees on the hills worked out perfectly. Through the skillful hands of a team of builders, these mountains seem more rounded and smooth. In fact, the authors have created a unique forest of Acacias, is recommended for survival mode. Perhaps You will not find any of the usual resources, but the map is quite playable, so forward to new exciting adventures!

SkyCompass [1.8.0]

In their world of Minecraft is quite difficult to find out in which direction from the existing corners of the world You are moving. Especially for those who do not want to get lost in the vast expanses created this special resource pack. When You torment the question, where are You headed, raise your head and see the message over in an incredibly beautiful compass. The image may be slightly shifted to the side or inverted, as its very difficult to get to stand exactly above the player, observing all the details, for example, automatic inversion when turning in different directions. This is a very useful resource for the survival mode, but I wish he enters the coordinates.

SG Colored Terrain [1.8.0] [CTM]

There is a suspicion that this card is made of multi-colored jelly beans Skittles, but it's not sure! Huge space, clean hills, consisting of layers of all the colors of the rainbow. The surroundings are reminiscent of the landscape of a fantastic planet. However, I have to work hard to lifeless, albeit colorful surface of this fantastic world appeared oasis – Your own civilization. The map is multiplayer, and everything you need for survival is in the trunk to save the world. Organize with your friends a small community or create your own Rainbow Kingdom. Note: not suitable for black-and-white monitors.

SkyWorld PE [1.7.0] [Survival]

Here are probably the most beautiful survival map, consisting of some floating Islands. It was originally created for the PC version of Minecraft, but now You have the opportunity to install it on your handheld device. Embark on an unforgettable adventure through the heavenly world, collect resources, explore different Islands with different biomes. Here are clay and cold, floating and desert land. Also there are flying cities, towers and forests. You can still see the incredible waterfalls, tumbling into the abyss. The landscape is varied and incredibly beautiful. Feel like in a fairy tale with the map. Just don't forget about monsters and other dangers while in survival mode.

Pillager Outpost Map Concept (BETA) [1.9.0] [User map]

Minecraft is not in place. And recently published photos of the future Outpost, which belongs to the robbers. The author of this custom world was not too lazy and have built similar structures on the map, so You can plunge into the future and explore new items first. Here You will see the main tower with many floors and some resources. Around this high buildings are tents, inside which are hidden pumpkins, and also is a cage with a prisoner in it, the iron Golem. Download this map and see all the novelties awaiting us in the near future.

Storage++ [1.8.0]

Presented this expansion adds five new items to improve your storage resources, which occupies much space in the usual chests. Basically have nowhere to store liquids. Water invented a special container is white and lava black. Each tank has a capacity of ten buckets. Their occupancy is determined by the scale printed on the front side of these vessels.  For potions and milk also created various tanks. Capacity with potions accommodates exactly five butylkov liquid, and milk - just five buckets. Another addon includes a very cool table for cutting wood. With it You can quickly and effortlessly turn ordinary boards into the ladder, plates, hatches, or pressure plates.

Village And Pillage Features Review Map [1.9.0] [Creative]

We all look forward to the updates of our favorite game. But what about the future? To this question answer is a map. Here You will find a lot of interesting things that have not been inserted in our familiar world of Minecraft. Here and cats, and pandas, and even robbers with their fierce monsters. Also shown on the map all the blocks that will come in a future update, so You have already will be able to think about their future projects related to the construction site. At the moment that the author's presentation may only be viewed on a 1.9 version of Minecraft and up.

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 4-12-2018, 21:08

SS Legacy Prisons [1.7.0] [PVP]

SS Legacy Prisons is a delightful card that you can place it on any server. Here are a wonderful structure with lots of different areas. Everything is so vivid and detailed that I want to explore that building deeper and deeper. To develop, You will have to gather resources and sell them on the marketplace. To start collect watermelons or pumpkins and trade them in for money. Richer, You will have the chance to visit new locations. Resources you can gain a lot, but try to buy a special pickaxe from the store.

Spectrum Studios – Mini-Walls [1.8.0] [PVP]

The mini-game requires at least two participants, but not more than four. Call your friends in multiplayer mode and start fighting with each other. This map includes several locations. On each of them for some time You will be safe behind high impenetrable walls that protect You from opponents. During these seconds You have to collect enough resources to survive in the battle for life and death. Then the fence will disappear and start a fight with rivals. The winner will be one of the most agile, brave and resourceful. To start the game, it is necessary to choose the desired color and embark on, relevant, iron block, located in the lobby. A good battle!

Generators & Replicators [1.8.0]

The developer presents us with two new unique machine that you can use to quickly obtain any ores or blocks of precious stones and metals. These mechanisms are called the generator and the Replicator. Each of them has its own function. Generator every 10 seconds throws the iron and gold ingots, Redstone, emeralds or diamonds. To activate the mechanism, it is necessary to use a lever or long press the interact button. Replicator every ten seconds and makes throwing iron, gold, Redstone, emerald, or diamond blocks. To run this car you will need the lever or one unit from that previously listed. In General, the Supplement is very useful for survival mode, especially for those who do not particularly want to mess around under the earth in search of each precious resource.

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