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Project Xelium Alpha-v2 [1.14.0]

This addon brings into play an unusual material called Xheli. It can be used for various purposes, such as power custody or create new blocks, tools, and cool bonuses. Xeli you can't find in the regular world, it can only be crafted from Redstone and bubble experience. Of the resulting material make up of various fragments, for example, speed, strength, defense, and emptiness. And then manufacture the hearts for custody, and then these brave wooden soldiers will be better able to protect You from devious mobs. If You want to remove the fragment and replace it with another, use scissors. The fragments are conveniently stored in the blocks that have their secrets. Try to blow up the protection unit. If You need to confer superhuman powers of your character, simply break Xheli or any part of the workbench on a speck of dust. These dust particles absorb RMB and You will see a definite strength for 15 seconds. Be careful with the speck of the void, as her powerful gift can lead You to death. The addition will also give You the units of acceleration, teleport and explosive subject. Rather try and learn this incredible addon!

Grindstone [1.8.0]

This is a very useful addition that enters into our ordinary world of Minecraft whetstone. It is created not for beauty, but in order to repair weapons and tools. Perhaps, in survival mode You have always dreamed about such thing that is able to restore Your items, because they are often made of expensive diamonds and enchanted with rare effects, so with such cool tools hard to part. When You first put a whetstone, first will not be able to repair it on expensive things. This sharpening tool requires improvements. It has three levels: on the ground, can be restored only stone accessories on the second - added gold and iron, and the third diamond. This mechanism modificeres with stones. Whetstone has cool realistic animation replaces one of the usual mobs of the world of Minecraft, so to put this machine you can use spawn eggs or command.

Function File For Command [1.8.0]

Already with the beta version of Minecraft 1.8 is the ability to create something new. Not spared by different teams. Let's see what offers us this resource. After applying the addon, You can use the following commands: /function invulnerable - makes You invulnerable /function tools - gives one set of diamond tools /kit function - creates a chest with useful items inside /function over_powered - impose a variety of effects, including strengthening the capacity /function of the strike  on a selected portion causes lightning to fight incessantly. /function clear - clears the player's inventory and all its imposed effects, and removes the eternal storm. If You forget any command, use /function help or /help2 function and displays a list of all available. Presented Supplement is great for survival mode. And You can create your own commands "/function". Just open the package behavior in the folder and you will see many files. Click on one of them and displayed the text. There You will be able to write the command you want using the template. You'll be able to add new files, just make sure that the extension is ".mcfunction" with any name. The file name must match the team, for example, if You specify in the file test, this name will be used /function (Command),  and will look like /function test.

Crafting Dead PE [1.6.0]

Presented Supplement created based on the cult TV series "Walking dead", which tells about people who survived in the era of zombie Apocalypse. By installing this addon You will be able to know some of the characters from this film. For example, You will meet Walker and Runner, which will appear before You as intimidating hostile mobs. Also, You'll have new weapons to fight this scum. Walker replaces normal zombies, it doesn't burn in the sun. Runner - replaces the cadaver, he immediately jumps on players like spiders. Survivors - will replace the skeletons and will help You in the fight with the walking dead, but it is neutral to players, that is, can fight back, if angry.

MultiCraft [1.6.0]

Dopolneniya enriches the game a lot of cool things and goes well with many Addons. What's new: new armor (weapons, tools), new minerals, and all sorts of magical things. To properly begin the study of this addon, I need to activate when you create a world a special bonus chest. It is a subject that allows you to zaspaunit ' villager (soul inhabitant). And that's something that villager and we'll pump. Having a villager, click on it with an iron ingot. Be sure to pick up the pieces that fall out of skeletons, because these particles are the basis. Also, You expect a severe contraction with unusual bosses. Download this amazing addon and you will not regret!

OP Bonus Chest [1.2.0]

In the bonus chests, which are located near the point where the player appears in the new world, you can usually find wooden tools, some food and other stuff. But with this add-in box will appear diamond tools, jewelry, and other utility. To start the survival with this tool much more pleasant. Important: this content requires the 1.2 beta version, which is currently limited to users running Windows 10 and Android.

TF2 Engineer [1.1.1]

Presents addon enters in the familiar world of Minecraft various mechanisms that were once designed by the engineer, Dell Conagher. If You have played Team Fortress 2, you'll understand what is now in question, but if you still have never encountered such a game, do not worry, enjoy the presented Supplement. All new appliances will be very useful in survival mode, as they are created solely for the protection of the territory and character. For example, the turret fires at the approach of a hostile monster, and the dispenser heals all peaceful mobs, including the player.

InventoryTweaks [1.1.0]

This addon will allow You to bring any number of existing blocks and items in Minecraft, playing survival mode. You can be creative inventory. Supplement is quite useful for single mode, but also applicable to multiplayer. In order to protect your server from the presented scheme, make sure that You have downloaded and installed the Anti Cheat (for Realms).

Infinite Items (in Survival Mode) [1.1.0]

Do You love cheat? Of course, love. Everyone loves to cheat, and it's just an amazing package for hacking anything and everything.
Endless blocks, tools and other valuable digger for things. Survival mode and unlimited cornucopia – what could be more tempting? With such a capability can be safely taken for the construction of a dream home.

Working Giant Piano [1.1.0] [Redstone]

Here are the entertainment for music lovers: piano. Play it have feet stepping on the keys. The model is simple because it includes only the 27 keys, not 88 like a real piano. Please note that the sound can only the white keys. So, we play in C major and a minor. However, If You are a lover of musical instruments, feel free to download and install the map.

MC-PE 2025