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Project Xelium Alpha-v2 [1.14.0]

Project Xelium Alpha-v2

This addon brings into play an unusual material called Xheli. It can be used for various purposes, such as power custody or create new blocks, tools, and cool bonuses. Xeli you can't find in the regular world, it can only be crafted from Redstone and bubble experience. Of the resulting material make up of various fragments, for example, speed, strength, defense, and emptiness. And then manufacture the hearts for custody, and then these brave wooden soldiers will be better able to protect You from devious mobs. If You want to remove the fragment and replace it with another, use scissors. The fragments are conveniently stored in the blocks that have their secrets. Try to blow up the protection unit. If You need to confer superhuman powers of your character, simply break Xheli or any part of the workbench on a speck of dust. These dust particles absorb RMB and You will see a definite strength for 15 seconds. Be careful with the speck of the void, as her powerful gift can lead You to death. The addition will also give You the units of acceleration, teleport and explosive subject. Rather try and learn this incredible addon!

Download project-xelium-alpha-v2.mcaddon [69,5 Kb] downloaded: 735 times
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