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Craftable Items [1.6.0] [Redstone]

Craftable Items

Here are a Redstone mechanism using command blocks, the purpose of which is to create new recipes in their world of Minecraft. The process of manufacture is very similar to vanilla version, the only big role to play is Your imagination. Now You will be able to find a use previously not very useful, the eyes of spiders and other rubbish, discarded You in the chests. Change the recipes so that You can create even diamonds. Also use the machine as antivertigo, for example, for turning the plates back into the blocks or books tucked into the skin and sheets of paper. Just put the extractor on the ground face up and place it on the recipe. Then stand on top of the ejector to create the object. Open the access panel on the side and change the recipe for their own needs. Create the objects and resources from fictional recipes You will be able around the world of Minecraft! Download and play survival mode with your friends and think about new crafts together.

Download craftableitems.mcworld [2,14 Mb] downloaded: 142 times
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