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SG Cloudy Warfare [1.5.3] [PVP]

SG Cloudy Warfare

SG Cloud Warfare is an ambitious project team SkyGames. This map includes several different mini-games related to PVP battles. Here are six game modes such as battle, team battle, defuse the bomb and others.
In the free battle You have to fight against each other and the winner will be only one party, in the team competition You will be credited with 15 lives for each group of people, one who will remain without health points, and he is a loser.
In capture mode You have to kill opponents and learn from them to his side. The winner will be the team which will remain all the participants of the fight.
In the mode of infection of one part of players become police, and the second criminals. Killing of the offender, the offender becomes a COP, but if the offender will survive for four minutes, then he wins.
About capture the flag, maybe they know everything. It's very simple - You need to find the flag, which will be located directly at the enemy position, and return to his base.
mode bomb Your group officers will have to look for the intruder with a bomb which must be defused in the shortest possible time, otherwise the criminal will simply all blow.
With future updates, the authors plan to add more modes for more interesting games. The map is definitely designed for multiplayer, so be sure to get introduced to the world and call your friends to play with You.

Download fls3g-rbcloudy-warfare-v3.mcworld [4,13 Mb] downloaded: 231 times
Download last version of SG Cloudy Warfare from the official website

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 25-12-2018, 21:09

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