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Mob Fighting Cup [1.5.3]

Mob Fighting Cup

Presents addon will make all mobs in the world Minecraft< / span> to fight with each other. The purpose of this Supplement is to contemplate how one group of creatures competing with the other in force. Such battles can be carried out in the arena or on the field. Just zaspanie two or more mobs and they immediately start to fight for life and death. Who, in your opinion, will be the winner? Donkey or Cadaver? You will be surprised! The developer recommends to install the creative game mode, otherwise all the mobs, even those that were previously friendly, such as a donkey will attack You in survival mode. Four skulls were replaced by trophies that you can reward the winner. So invite your friends to have a real war. The idea of the addon is taken from a mod called "Mob Battle Mod", which is intended for the PC version of Minecraft.

Download mobfightingcup.mcaddon [766,83 Kb] downloaded: 309 times
Download last version of Mob Fighting Cup from the official website

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