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Commander Boss Machine [1.7.0]

Commander Boss Machine

In real life we fear the uprising of machines and very much worry because of the uprising command blocks! Presents addon brings into play terrible mechanical monster and its minions. The boss replaces the familiar creeper and looks like a animated command block with head, hands and wheels. The monster is extremely tough, and his attacks are very powerful. He also has the ability to teleport and call his assistants. Before you engage in battle with the command boss, make sure that You are well-armed and protected by strong armor. Addition a unique weapon that might slay the monster without much effort. It gives the player special powers, such as incredible strength, speed, high jumping, protection and fire resistance. And the addon adds to the game a lot of mechanical mobs, consisting mainly of the command block. If You think that survival will be easier without the creeper, do not hurry to rejoice, the world will see the pigs kamikaze, each of which is tied to the back of TNT, and they will meet more often than the creeper.

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