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Jimbo’s Totem Addon [1.7.0]

Jimbo’s Totem Addon

Totems have always had a great importance among primitive people. The people worshiped sacred animals or plants, their image carved on a tree and thought that all that protects and brings good luck. Presents addon introduces two totems, which, indeed, will be of great help in a mysterious and harsh world of Minecraft. Like turrets, some will be defending the player, attacking each approaching monster, and the other to heal. Totems depicted on the faces of some unseen creatures similar to the creeper. We definitely don't know something about the mysterious past of our favourite game!

Download bv1-jimbostotemsaddon.mcpack [3,52 Kb] downloaded: 128 times
Download tv1-jimbostotemsaddon.mcpack [6,79 Kb] downloaded: 118 times
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