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The Orca [1.8.0]

The Orca

Orc is a fictional aggressive fish-like creature that will replace Dolphin. With this monster You definitely do not want to meet face to face, not prepared, not having good weapons and armor, since the power of his attacks reaches 5 hearts. The Orc threat not only in the sea, on the shore must also be always on the alert, because it may suddenly pop up and get to You. Also this fish is not averse to hunt the peaceful villagers. Presents being quite hardy, it has 200 hearts. The developer recommends to fight orkoy in the company of friends in order to make it easier to fill up. As you drop You will be able to obtain 1-7 diamonds. We wish you only successful battles!

Download orcaaddon.mcaddon [166,43 Kb] downloaded: 138 times
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MC-PE 2025