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Prestige [1.6.0] [PVE]


Great game for those who want to try their hand and for those who wish to prove their superiority. Here are not just the usual PVE arena, and arena with aromatizirovannaya a system of ranks. The goal, as You guessed, is to achieve the highest level of "Credibility". Every time You reach a new rank, You earn more experience points. Eighth grade is the latest and it will require level 70. After You win, You will be able to buy the award "Star of Hell", confirming Your success in the game and its completion. But before You start the game from scratch and all that can be obtained initially, is the wooden sword, just because it is open. After killing a few spiders, You'll accrue experience and will assign a rank of 1. Continue in the same spirit until you get 2 and so on. With the increase of the rank in the store, You'll get armor and better weapons. But do not expect to receive Golden apples, as they make the game much easier.

Download prestige.mcworld [4,34 Mb] downloaded: 94 times
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