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Alex’s Commands Mod 1.2.5

Alex’s Commands Mod

Alex's Commands - a really useful mod for Minecraft that allows you to use more than 35 different commands to control the game. First team /nuke, will cause a powerful explosion and may be a little lag you have. command /heal: Max health /clock: shows current time /setspawn: Sets the spawn /sethome [NAME]: set a new home point at your current location /home [NAME]: Teleport to the various home points that you set. /weather [sun/rain/storm/lightning]: install weather. /kill: kill yourself. /cc: clear chat /normal: Reset game speed /fast: speed up the game speed /slowmo: slow motion /xyz: Show current location /feed fill your hunger and much more

Download alexs-commands.js [17,25 Kb] downloaded: 514 times
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