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Narwhal Addon [1.7.0]

Elegant handsome man, an inhabitant of the deep sea, the narwhal – this addon turns an ordinary Dolphin in a beautiful holder of a long bone. Mob is a really nice, slim and neat. Moves, and behaves generally in the same way as a Dolphin. 15 health points, damage – 5. But why to fight him? It's so great if your coastal waters swam so adorable. Do not be confused by the powerful tusks of this unique mob: if unicorns are not in the real world, though they have Minecraft.

Armor Stand Clock Script ( [1.7.0]

This script will turn the armor into a watch. It displays time, which is installed on your device. The text is displayed over the bar armor. The script does not interfere with other entities, in addition to armor stand. Creator: momiyama, a Twitter account, How does it work? Place the stand for the armor on the ground, and the current time will be displayed as floating text above the stand for armor. This is really useful if you want a quick and easy way to keep track of current time in the game. Installation Important note: this script requires (currently only available for Windows 10). Android users can use BlockLauncher (third party app) to unlock this feature. Download Conduct .McPack to Apply for the world Turn on the "Experimental gameplay" in the world settings to Create the world

Health/Damage/Identifier Reader (Script) ( [1.7.0]

This script uses the latest features available in for Minecraft. It adds text indicators of health and damage over the heads of mobs in your world. This is a great example that demonstrates some of the new features modding that is possible with the new scripting API for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition. Creator: Drag0nD, a Twitter account Credits: thanks abc55 and wit for help in the fight against damage How does it work? Focusing on the essence, you will be able to view some other features: name of Health, attack Damage    Installation This script requires (currently only available for Windows 10). Android users can use BlockLauncher (third party app) to unlock this feature. Download Conduct .McPack to Apply for the world Turn on the "Experimental gameplay" in the world settings to Create the world

Hotel Escape [1.7.0] [Logical]

Hotel Escape adventure map, which includes various puzzles. Perhaps You have ever had with quests on all sorts of shoots. The point here is the same. During gameplay You will have to solve logic puzzles, to finally reach the exit. The building has ten rooms of which need to escape. Only on production of the maps took a little more than a week, and its passage can take anywhere from 20 minutes to two hours. Here built many complex Redstone mechanisms that make the game very exciting.

Evasion [1.7.0] [Logical]

And-and-and... it's not the next part of The Elder Scrolls (oddly enough), because we begin your way on this map just as a prisoner. More specifically, this game was inspired by the popular The Escapist. So, the plot: You find yourself behind bars after a failed attempt of a robbery of the National Bank of Minecraft. Something went wrong, and eventually officers placed the Player in jail, where there is despondency and a strict regime. Our task is to open a path to freedom and to leave the stifling walls of the big house. You can communicate with other prisoners, to perform small tasks, to trade, to fight, solve puzzles to finally find a path to freedom. Forward to fresh air!

BrainGames 5 [1.7.0] [Logical]

Before us is the fifth card from the classic series of puzzle games "Mind Games" - the famous BrainGames. In this release there are six levels, each of which varies somewhat from the others in complexity. At each stage the Player will have to solve a logic problem, which would provide him passage to the next level. The creators have tried hard to ensure that the users of this game had to sweat over every decision. If the puzzle is Yours, be sure to try this release BrainGames!

Islands of Eden [1.7.0] [Survival]

Islands of Eden - a map with strange conditions for survival. If you will plunge into an eternal sleep where everything is floating and seems so impossible. There are many flying Islands are completely different shapes and sizes. During the gameplay You will not only have to gather resources in order not to die, but to find wool blocks to complete the special monument. This lost dimension keeps a lot of secrets and mysteries that You will uncover.

Simplified 2 Way Flying Machine [1.7.0] [Redstone]

On the map demonstrated the easiest aircraft of quartz blocks, which moves in only two directions. The machine is fully automated and requires only a single click on the button to start movement. Aircraft is able to travel long distances. Study it and implement the device in their own world. All important parts are marked with colored blocks, you can also remove some of the quartz block to to dwell on design. On the reverse side of the card shown the simplified version of the same aircraft.

Extreme Safe House [1.7.0] [Redstone]

The most protected building specially created for Your safety in survival mode. The structure is equipped with over 350 command blocks. There are three modes of protection, and more. If You had enough monsters, especially cponidine in Your house, then presented creation that You need. Now You can not worry about their safety inside Your fortress. The presented structure is not just some "box", it is a full mansion with the interior in, so then You will definitely feel like a diamond magnate.

Redstone Boat Race [1.7.0] [Redstone]

Presents a map created in order to demonstrate the unique capabilities of Redstone. Before You do not easy ice arena, it involves many different mechanisms that You can explore and implement in your world of Minecraft. You can call your friends in multiplayer mode and explore all the ingenious devices together. And also to compete, because there is a starting area and an automated system of timing. To study in detail the Redstone mechanisms, then visit the special exhibition area. It has a Board, which indicates which block can be changed to another according to Your wish. Also there are two devices that do not belong to the Redstone, but also very useful.

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