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› Paradiscal’s Legendary Swords

Paradiscal’s Legendary Swords [16x16] [1.0.0]

Paradiscal’s Legendary Swords

This texture pack includes 8 different variations of the diamond swords. You can switch between textures to choose any. Diamond sword is the most powerful in the game, so it makes sense to transform its appearance into something more epic. Submitted all changes only the texture.

Download lavenderedge.mcpack [8,62 Kb] downloaded: 160 times
Download glacialdagger.mcpack [8,3 Kb] downloaded: 140 times
Download geoderapier.mcpack [8,37 Kb] downloaded: 125 times
Download eternalflame.mcpack [8,36 Kb] downloaded: 142 times
Download beechtreeblade.mcpack [8,33 Kb] downloaded: 116 times
Download hunterswrath.mcpack [8,35 Kb] downloaded: 126 times
Download rubycutlass.mcpack [8,38 Kb] downloaded: 132 times
Download pointyumbrella.mcpack [8,21 Kb] downloaded: 117 times
Download last version of Paradiscal’s Legendary Swords from the official website

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MC-PE 2025