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The two temples of the jungle near the spawn point

On this map we appear in the dense jungle near the temple. Moreover, nearby there is another temple. Of course, they need to explore, to search and to get everything more or less valuable. Gold, emeralds – all useful, even iron horse armor. At the same time you can find shelter on the next night until the house is built, and his bed there. The jungle around is rather big, the area is hilly and very picturesque. To explore the area a pleasure.

Mini Egg Wars [1.1.0] [PVP]

Egg War is a very interesting multiplayer map. The primary objective is to protect the sacred eggs from the attacking team. To play You need the other players so You can get together with them in a bloody PVP battle. The map of this size is quite convenient to fight even eight.
How to play?
Immediately after entering the game, we get more instructions. Map Pitsea, so the game should be at least two players. Once all players have joined the world, are divided into two teams – red versus blue, blue versus red, and begin to play.
On Your base are interesting and useful things. For example, there are "bars fountains" that will continuously produce ingots.
These ingots can be sold in the store, instead of having blocks and items. The sale also features items and blocks that can be obtained in exchange for gold bullion. However, these gold bars can only be obtained at the Central island.
the Main purpose of cards is to defend the sacred egg of Your team. But we can't just stay in the camp near the eggs and guard it. Because for your own victory You need to destroy the egg of another team.
Important: this map is for beta.

InventoryTweaks [1.1.0]

This addon will allow You to bring any number of existing blocks and items in Minecraft, playing survival mode. You can be creative inventory. Supplement is quite useful for single mode, but also applicable to multiplayer. In order to protect your server from the presented scheme, make sure that You have downloaded and installed the Anti Cheat (for Realms).

The needle near the spawn point

If You want to find a needle in a familiar world of Minecraft, but luck turns away from You - are the led's especially for You. Here You don't have to wander long to find this snow generated design. It is located at a distance of 50 blocks from spawn point. The needle can serve as a great temporary shelter, especially for those who are beginning their new adventure in the world of Minecraft, then you can sleep, cook your own food or make useful items on the workbench. Also explore the mysterious basement.

Better Fishin’ [1.1.0]

This Supplement was created to ensure that customary fishing in Minecraft brought more fun. Now tasty fish and different underwater things will fall more often. And besides the usual fun stuff you can catch diamonds, iron armor, and everything else. But their catch will not be so easy, so interest in the game and the balance of survival mode will not be affected.

Infinite Items (in Survival Mode) [1.1.0]

Do You love cheat? Of course, love. Everyone loves to cheat, and it's just an amazing package for hacking anything and everything.
Endless blocks, tools and other valuable digger for things. Survival mode and unlimited cornucopia – what could be more tempting? With such a capability can be safely taken for the construction of a dream home.

Reasonable Villager [1.1.0]

This addon brings to the game, reasonable people. They are much less greedy than the rest of the villagers. New residents will sell You everything from food to diamonds, only in exchange for dirt, wooden planks or other objects. Supplement suitable for those who wish to improve the usual rural tradesmen and greatly facilitate survival mode.

Creepy Sounds for Horror Maps [1.1.0] [Redstone]

This map shows some of the sounds that are present in the "vanilla" version of Minecraft Pocket Edition. Want to make a map of a spooky adventure? This is just what you need. The mechanism works using command blocks and do not require additional resources. You can add other packages. Works for version and subsequent.

More Treasure Maps [1.1.0]

This addon introduces to our beloved game, three new a treasure map. You can get them by buying a cartographer. Cartographers - a new type of residents, they were introduced in a recent beta builds. According to the developer, nor is it of the added cards were not able to attend the sale earlier.

Mansion dark forest near the spawn point

At this location You will be about two small villages in the plains biome is a huge mansion located in a dark forest. This the Royal estate are known to be extremely hard to find, and therefore its generation near the point of spawn makes this led very attractive. However, you need to consider that the map will only work on version 1.1 of Minecraft and above.

MC-PE 2025