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Minecraft: Pocket Edition

Minecraft: Pocket Edition

Today 14.03.17 came the next version of Minecraft Pocket Edition where added command blocks that we've all been waiting for. Recall that the command block is a block that allows you to perform complex sequence of commands after receiving a signal of Redstone. Command blocks are an integral part of the most popular maps and mini-games, and this means that PE has reached a new level and became almost on a par with the desktop version of the game.

in Addition, the game added a few commands (/title, /stopsound, /playsound, /clear, /difficulty, /effect, /me, /replaceitem, /spreadplayers, /testfor, /gamerule, /particle) as well as fixed many bugs with past versions of the game

minecraft-pocke-tedition1.0.5.0-official.apk - the official version
minecraft-pocket-edition- - unlocked all paid skins and textures
minecraft-pocket-edition- - the version for intel

Download minecraft-pocketedition_1.0.5.0-official.apk [58,62 Mb] downloaded: 104424 times
Download minecraft-pocketedition_1.0.5.0-mod-v1.apk [65,93 Mb] downloaded: 34672 times
Download minecraft-pocketedition_1.0.5.0-intel-x86.apk [58,7 Mb] downloaded: 58697 times
Download last version of Minecraft: Pocket Edition from the official website

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WorldEdit [1.8.0]

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Function File For Command [1.8.0]

Already with the beta version of Minecraft 1.8 is the ability to create something new. Not spared by different teams. Let's see what offers us this resource. After applying the addon, You can use the following commands: /function invulnerable - makes You invulnerable /function tools - gives one set of diamond tools /kit function - creates a chest with useful items inside /function over_powered - impose a variety of effects, including strengthening the capacity /function of the strike  on a selected portion causes lightning to fight incessantly. /function clear - clears the player's inventory and all its imposed effects, and removes the eternal storm. If You forget any command, use /function help or /help2 function and displays a list of all available. Presented Supplement is great for survival mode. And You can create your own commands "/function". Just open the package behavior in the folder and you will see many files. Click on one of them and displayed the text. There You will be able to write the command you want using the template. You'll be able to add new files, just make sure that the extension is ".mcfunction" with any name. The file name must match the team, for example, if You specify in the file test, this name will be used /function (Command),  and will look like /function test.

10 Command Block Creations [1.0.5] [Redstone]

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4 Command Block Creations [1.0.5] [Redstone]

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Minecraft: Pocket Edition

We had to play a version of Minecraft Pocket Edition, as developers have already released another update Of the new: added setting of levitation when you use the command /effect and fixed all the previously reported bugs and errors. The complete list of bug fixes can be found on official website

minecraft-pocke-tedition1.0.5.3-official.apk - the official version
minecraft-pocket-edition- - unlocked all paid skins and textures
minecraft-pocket-edition- - the version for intel

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