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Life Mod 0.16

Life Mod

Life Mod is one of the largest and most interesting mods for MC PE. Mod adds many new types of villages in the game, new structures, dungeons, and dangerous monsters!

You will be able to find new villages, such as Zulu, Aztec, Apache, Inuit, Egyptians, Sumerians, new churches as in Tibet, the fleet of the Vikings, spider nests, hidden sects, the ice cave with new monsters inside, the Mushroom caves, huts goblins , and much more!

Download lifemod-genstructures.js [1,64 Mb] downloaded: 759 times
Download lifemod-savemodels.js [44,25 Kb] downloaded: 494 times
Download [221,95 Kb] downloaded: 510 times
Download last version of Life Mod from the official website

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