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Poop [1.1.0]


Poop is funny and somewhat stupid, but quite a useful add-on, which has not yet been created up to this point. Our life is not complete without poop, we seldom meet them on the trails and paths and now the stink can be introduced into the world of our favorite games. All animals, including horses and other livestock, will from time to time to defecate. You will also hear a nasty loud fart noise. Fekashki you can collect and throw them at anyone. After being hit by mob or player turd vyhovet the effect of nausea, which is very logical, because no one wants to feel the foul smell.

Download poop-behavior-pack.mcpack [29,24 Kb] downloaded: 669 times
Download poop-resource-pack.mcpack [448,98 Kb] downloaded: 632 times
Download last version of Poop from the official website

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