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Evil Chest Boss [1.0.0]

Evil Chest Boss

This is probably one of the most ridiculous ideas you can encounter in a lot of different Addons for your favorite game Minecraft Pocket Edition. The addition will replace the Golem boss in the form of an evil toothy chest. The monster is hungry and loves diamonds. The chest will attack any player suspected that he may have stashed treasures. In fact, it's hard to hold back the laughter, when You run a walking box, and tries to attack.

Download mad_evil_chest_behavior_pack.mcpack [13,05 Kb] downloaded: 235 times
Download mad_evil_chest_resource_pack.mcpack [25,04 Kb] downloaded: 223 times
Download last version of Evil Chest Boss from the official website

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How it works? Locked chests are replaced with iron Golems. This means that you can find them in a natural way in the villages with at least 10 villagers or 21 house. You can also use the spawn egg to summon a Golem to create a locking chest.

to lock a chest you need a Key (the Carrot on a stick). You can only access the memory slots if they are unlocked. iOS/Android: click on locked chest and click on the interact button to lock/unlock it. Windows 10: click with the right mouse button on lockable trunk to lock/unlock it.

a Locked chest cannot be opened or moved. It will always stay in one place. If you leave it unlocked, the other players can take items from a chest, or even destroy it. You can only destroy a locked chest, hitting him with a stick. The contents of the chest will automatically drop to the ground.

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