Living Chest [1.0.0]

You must be ever set out on a great adventure together with friends and noticed that Your inventory is too small for storing all the collected resources. In this expansion the developers have taken care of the players and found a solution to this problem. The addon allows you to use any player (in multiplayer) as the chest of the 27 cells in order that You could put more gifts minecraft world.
How to install *.mcpack mods/addons
- If you download mod/addon with .mcworld extension, just run this file and it will import to Minecraft automatically
- Launch Minecraft, follow to Options->Resources and activate addon
- Profit!
Download last version of Living Chest from the
official website
Sorry, but only registered users can download files from official resources
- Category: Mods / Addons
- MCPE version: 1.0.0
- Author: TifaLockhart