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Herobrine’s Everywhere [1.0.0]

Herobrine’s Everywhere

This addon turns all the mobs into vicious killers, possessed by Herobrine. Even those who had previously been friendly, for example, cows, rabbits, and now will not be overlooked by players in the hope of killing them. This modification obviously makes survival mode a lot harder and scarier. Has changed not only the manners of creatures, but their eyes, which became white, like Herobrine.

Download herobrine-everywhere-bp2.mcpack [1,34 Mb] downloaded: 666 times
Download herobrine-everywhere-rp-2.mcpack [1,67 Mb] downloaded: 591 times
Download last version of Herobrine’s Everywhere from the official website

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 12-02-2017, 17:43
Reason: Обновление

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