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Enderman Pet [1.7.0]

Enderman Pet

If You are crazy about Undermenu, but You are tired to hide from them, rather enjoy this addition, because it is incredibly cool and useful! The introduction of the online, You will be able to tame the lightning and the strongest mob (not including bosses) in the familiar world of Minecraft - the Wanderer's Edge! In order to Enderman and became Your friend, will have to give him some of the pearls of the Region. But it's not as simple as looking into the eyes of the mob, he starts to get angry, to chase and attack You. To avoid such incidents, it is strongly recommended to wear a head character, a pumpkin, Endermen You do not know. As soon as the wanderer of the Edge will go to Your side, he will follow You trying to protect against all hostile monsters.

Download enderman-pet-v1.0.2.mcpack [2,56 Kb] downloaded: 1193 times
Download last version of Enderman Pet from the official website
Download Enderman Pet from MediaFire

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