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Panda Bear [1.5.3]

Panda Bear

At Minecon 2018 was announced about adding pandas in our ordinary world of Minecraft. This lovely fluffy mob implemented in the framework of the update of the biome of the jungle. And while the developers are preparing to introduce a new product, You can try out the presented addition, which You will not have to wait another day to see the Panda in the game. The addon will replace the usual pigs on black-and-white bears, pleasing the eye with their splendor. They look like the presentation of Minecon, this is only the behavior will be very different due to some limitations. Find the Panda You will be able in most biomes, but most often in the biome of the jungle. These animals are neutral, so if You're angry, hit them, they attack you down and kill You. Feed the bear with bamboo, You will be able to win him over.

Download pandabear_addon.mcaddon [140,82 Kb] downloaded: 165 times
Download last version of Panda Bear from the official website

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