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› Console Edition World for Bedrock Edition

Console Edition World for Bedrock Edition [1.7.0] [Creative]

Console Edition World for Bedrock Edition

Almost every game has a training that tells about the features and particularities of the gameplay. You can not say about Minecraft. Here You designed yourself while not getting in all sorts of online resources to understand how and what to do. Once in the pocket version of Minecraft was a world where he was able to understand the essence of the game. Now You have the opportunity to get acquainted with this map. When You enter through the passage on the right will be a chest that holds the map to display the whole world. Since the map ported from the PC version of Minecraft, some functions may not work properly. In any case, the world is presented, is a great find for a beginner to adapt a little in this wonderful game.

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MC-PE 2025