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100% Functional CAR [1.8.0] [Redstone]

100% Functional CAR

On this map You will find 100-percent functioning Formula 1 car, made using command blocks and Redstone. Here not integrated any add-ons or modifications. In order to take the car to go, first You'll need the key. Taking it in hand, move closer to the car, hover the pointer on the seat and click "Go". Listed manipulation after You successfully log in your car and ready to go. Again, take the key in hand and the car starts to move forward. The car can moves only in four directions: North, South, West and East. Turn the car depending on where You look. You will also be able to operate the machine remotely. Find out more about the features of the command block with this card.

Download carro-100-funcional.mcworld [179,8 Kb] downloaded: 155 times
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MC-PE 2025