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The Simpsons [1.7.0]

This addon introduces five characters of the famous animated Comedy "the Simpsons". Now You will encounter in your usual world of Minecraft Homer, Marge, Lisa, Bart and Maggie. The appearance of the characters is quite fun. However, all movements and actions are not really explored, so when you walk the characters look awkward. Almost all cartoon characters peaceful and will not attack You, even if to attack. But Maggie is afraid of the most! With characters falling money and food. Also the inhabitants can get a lot of new products. If You are looking for a funny addition to have plenty to laugh, then You certainly should download and install this addon.

Cow Plus [1.8.0]

If You love cows, then presented Supplement especially for You! The expansion introduces seven new cows. Each of them has their own skills. Almost all the cows you manage to find in the ordinary world of Minecraft, and only two species can be removed by breeding. Some cows appear very rarely, for example balovnya and rakoobraznye. There are also aquatic, marsh, and devil's cow, which can be found more often. Bagavan crossed a cow with rakoobraznyh, marsh, or water, is born a strange cow that can attack the evil in her own kind. Therefore, it should be more careful. To tame it with raw meat. Also this evil creature will appear, if we reduce water and marsh cows. Devil's crossing a cow with marsh or water, a cloud is born a cow that likes to cause lightning and eat Golden nuggets. Each cow will bring something, if you approach it with an empty bucket. Water a cow can be transformed with a sponge.

Iguanas And Snakes [1.8.0]

Presented Supplement introduces iguanas and lots of colorful snakes. They all live in different biomes such as the desert and the jungle. There are four color of iguanas. The rare lizard is blue, and the strongest is black. They are all very fast and at a meeting with the players will run from all legs. Wild lizards are attacking spiders and rabbits. All iguanas can be tamed, just enough to offer them watermelon. Being Your companion, the lizard will protect its owner from the bloodthirsty monsters. Snakes there are twelve colors. In the wild they also attack the rabbits and spiders, and they hate their relatives and not afraid to attack the players. Most snakes are poisonous. Signs of poisoning will be dizziness and blindness. These reptiles can also be tamed by feeding watermelon, and they will become good companions in Your next adventure.

Komodo Dragon [1.8.0]

The Komodo dragon or Komodo dragon - a giant and dangerous lizards. Presents addon introduces these magnificent reptiles in our ordinary world of Minecraft. To find them You can in biome of Savannah or yourself you to zaspaunit ' with eggs. Lizards are neutral, so will not attack players if they are not disturbed. The bite of a Komodo dragon, just like in real life, deadly. Attacking, reptile inflicts powerful damage and applies the effect of poisoning. Leather dragons Komodo replaces the iron ingot and can be used for the manufacture of all kinds of tools and are quite durable armor. Also these beautiful lizards be tamed by offering them any raw meat. As Pets, they will protect You from the monsters and help You in battle. This resource only works for version 1.8 and above.

Mythical Creatures [1.8.0] [Creative]

Here are a magical land inhabited by various fairy creatures. Here You will find unicorns, werewolves, dwarves, fairies, mermaids, and even a dragon. Your adventure will begin soon. There You will find, hidden from prying eyes, the door, opening the entrance to this mythical world. On this map there are two cities, a forest, a mysterious pond, floating in it, mermaids and high snow mountain on top of which lies the egg, guarded by a ferocious dragon. At the end of the rainbow a Leprechaun hid his bags of gold. Try to find them. On the shooting line will be clearly visible tail, flying arrows. So, who knows, maybe You will meet the Princess Frog!

AnimaCraft [1.9.0]

This addon adds a new variety of animals and birds in our ordinary world of Minecraft. At the moment, introduced only three beings, but the developer hopes to expand presents addition in the future. You can find deer which spawn in almost any field, the flamingos that live on the beaches, and the Dodo, living in the forest and jungle. Birds You will be able to breed by feeding them salmon or cod. The addon is suitable for those who want to diversify the animal world is on your game map. Resource is working on 1.8 version of Minecraft and up.

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 23-12-2018, 20:29

Demogorgon [1.8.0]

You are tired of the usual bosses of Minecraft. Consider them weak? Want more hardcore? Then, the provided Supplement is created specially for You. It introduces the bloodthirsty creatures, who, together with his flock will terrorize the endless world of Minecraft. Demogorgon is a pretty awesome monster from the popular television show called "Stranger Things". He's incredibly strong and resilient, thanks to 80 hearts and 10 points of damage. The battle with this monster will be very difficult because if You angered one, with him You attack all his buddies. Also Demogorgon has the coolest animation.

Plushies! [1.8.0]

In Minecraft there are different heads of the mobs as trophies, but not enough other design figurines to decorate Your home. And here's the developer thinking also produced a presented Supplement. It introduces more than 80 different figurines that you can put anywhere. Each depicts a statue of any monster or a peaceful animal that is present in the familiar world of Minecraft. There are also figures of men with a variety of skins. Lead in the inventory on the search bar the word "plush" and you will see many buttons, indicating his / her figure.

Slendytubbies The Devil Among Us [1.8.0]

Presented Supplement introduces characters from video games of horror "Slendytubbies: The Devil Among Us". The resource does not replace any of the usual mob, so this addon should only be used with the 1.8 version of our beloved Minecraft. The game will be, in total, seven kinds of different monsters. They will spaunit'sâ under the cover of night at any point in the vast world. You will also be able to use the egg to create these fearsome creatures. All monsters are hostile, so You never have to meet them eye to eye without good weapons and ammunition. Another addon adds a cute vacuum cleaner - Arkabaev. They won't attack the player just like that. Suggesting that the blue mob of iron, with some chance You manage to tame it. Arcabat will always follow the master and to protect him from any evil.

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 11-12-2018, 19:21

Slendytubbies [1.9.0]

So they got to the Minecraft – meet the Teletubbies. They spawn as mobs anywhere in the world. Attack the player will not – unless, of course, You will not get to fight first. Falling just a fun loot, and to tame them with cookies or stewed mushrooms. 
In this addon there are other characters in the world of Teletubbies, and still have their infected versions – these are aggressive monsters, and loot from them more interesting. With a tink-tank, for example, falls from nine to twenty diamonds!

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 19-11-2018, 22:04

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