Christmas Hats Heads Pack [1.2.5]

This is a resource pack that replaces all the skulls and heads in the game caps Santa. There are four different colors to choose from, and they include everything from classic red to green, which is useful if you want something more elf-like. Don't forget to apply it to the world, if you want all players to see changes, not just yourself. To wear it, just add it to the inventory slot for a helmet.
How to install *.mcpack addons
- If you download mod/addon with .mcworld extension, just run this file and it will import to Minecraft automatically
- Launch Minecraft, follow to Options->Resources and activate addon
- Profit!
Download last version of Christmas Hats Heads Pack from the
official website
Sorry, but only registered users can download files from official resources
- Category: Resources
- MCPE version: 1.2.5
- Author: HemaMetwaaly,