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› A Little Taste of Jerm Bedrock Edition

A Little Taste of Jerm Bedrock Edition [16x16] [1.8.0]

A Little Taste of Jerm Bedrock Edition

Here are personal texture pack from JermsyBoy. The author worked on it for several years to give the best atmosphere for his series of videos about Minecraft on YouTube . The original idea of the resource was taken from Bdouble0100, but now we face a completely new and improved texture pack in medieval style. All the buildings look nice, as the colors matched very well. The author definitely has taste. You have great opportunity to download and install this resurspak and enjoy the scenic views and beautiful buildings!

Download alittletasteofjermbe1.3.mcpack [2,1 Mb] downloaded: 291 times
Download last version of A Little Taste of Jerm Bedrock Edition from the official website
Download A Little Taste of Jerm Bedrock Edition from MediaFire

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