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Scarecrow [1.8.0]


Presents addon introduces a frightening scarecrows in the familiar world of Minecraft. Of course they won't keep birds away, because in the game they simply, apart from the parrots. But the Scarecrow afraid to approach all sorts of annoying monsters. The Scarecrow can be found in the ordinary world in most biomes. A simple Scarecrow will be able to paint in any desired color, but it is not able to ward off such creatures as: the creeper, robbers, witches and phantoms. For this evil scum need a different approach, so a Supplement offers us four special stuffed animals, each of which frightens some kind of monster: or witches or robbers, or creeper, or phantoms.

Download scarecrow_addon.mcaddon [422 Kb] downloaded: 214 times
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Download Scarecrow from MediaFire

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