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Usefel Nether Quartz [1.8.0]

Usefel Nether Quartz

As we know quartz is in most cases used only for the construction of unusual buildings. Would like to see this ore was more useful, as it is extracted in survival mode is not so simple. Presents addon takes the desire and introduces essential features that You will like. Offering quartz blocks svinozombi, any chance You get to tame it. This is a hell inhabitant will be the best companion of all, which You could only imagine. Svinozombi will carry Your belongings as it has as many as 27 slots, protect You from enemies and to ward off the creeper and phantoms. For quartz blocks You can buy useful items from residents, and even to treat iron Golems. Download this incredible Supplement and try to survive in new ways.

Download useful-nether-quartz-resource-0-2-4.mcpack [1,45 Mb] downloaded: 285 times
Download useful-nether-quartz-behavior-0-2-4.mcpack [932,9 Kb] downloaded: 326 times
Download last version of Usefel Nether Quartz from the official website
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