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Piranha [1.7.0]


Presented Supplement replaces the usual salmon on a blood-thirsty piranhas. In General, they look pretty cool, but this beauty is killer! These fish are deadly, they attack their prey groups and leave almost no chance for salvation. All piranhas are always hostile and will attack any player or mob that is closer to them. The addon was created for those who want to bring into their world some hardcore elements to the survival mode was more interesting. There are three types of fish: small, medium and large. Each has its own attack power. Now You will think a hundred times before you go sailing on the seas and oceans. But piranhas can catch and cook.

Download piranha-add-on.mcaddon [861,31 Kb] downloaded: 253 times
Download last version of Piranha from the official website
Download Piranha from MediaFire

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