Hidden Treasure [1.0.0] [Adventure]

Hidden Treasure - a short adventure which tests all Your abilities. And if You be worthy, you will become the owner of the sacred treasure. It's a pretty entertaining card, which consists of three different levels. The developer thinks that these tests are not too hard, and their passing will need an average of 15-20 minutes. Also the developer doesn't want to talk about what will happen in the end, You know yourself.
How to install *.mcworld maps
- If you download map with .mcworld extension, just run this file and map will import to Minecraft automatically
- Launch Minecraft and you can find your map in world list
- Download and extract archive (by WinRAR for example)
- Move extracted folder with map to /storage/emulated/0/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds/
Download last version of Hidden Treasure from the
official website
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- Category: Maps
- MCPE version: 1.0.0
- Author: Adventure Maps