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15 Ways To Die (Part 2) [1.8.0] [Mini game]

15 Ways To Die (Part 2)

15 Ways To *Censored* is a new batch of puzzles, where Your *Censored*Acha, to find a way to kill your character. In the new part You expect a fairly complex levels, including mechanisms based on Redstone and command blocks. Sometimes You have to make any poison or thing, so please not only patience but also knowledge of potions and crafting all sorts of things. At each stage, looking for clues that will help lead You to success, or rather failure, well, You understand. Please rate the map after beating the game, You are difficult, and the developer is nice.

Download 15waystodie2.mcworld [3,38 Mb] downloaded: 214 times
Download last version of 15 Ways To Die (Part 2) from the official website

Edited by: InnaMononoke - 3-11-2018, 22:52

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