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Minigames Central [1.0.4] [Mini game]

Minigames Central has a large map, designed to play with friends in multiplayer mode. It includes seven different mini-games. For example, archery, epic fall, escape from the wolves, siege craft and more. You will definitely find here something interesting for yourself. It's a good map, where you can spend your time.

Minigames City [1.0.0] [Creative]

Minigames City is a large amusement Park that includes more than 15 different mini-games. The developer recommends to use this map in multiplayer mode, as many games require at least two participants. There is archery, racing boats and more. Here You can perfectly spend time together with your friends.

Horse Parkour [1.0.0] [Parkour]

Redefine the usual parkour. Instead of having to move around the obstacle course by yourself, You'll do it on horseback! The developer believes that animal control is not as easy as an ordinary character, so the map can be difficult to pass. Presents parkour can be tested in single mode or play with friends in multiplayer.

Find The Exit [1.0.0] [Mini game]

Find The Exit is a map with many obstacles, which are designed for long keep You in this puzzle. There is a wide variety of mini-games, from fighting monsters to the puzzle. The main objective of the game is to find a way out. But usually it leads to the next level, which should also be complete, and all subsequent.

Minigames II [1.0.0] [Mini game]

This map is better to use in multiplayer, as there is much more interesting to compete with friends and other players together. Currently, the developers are offering 9 different mini-games, and most of them can take an infinite number of times. Recommended number of participants: 2 to 6.

MC-PE 2025